
Apr 3, 2020

NEW CAP 10 FILM Google Classoom

Hello Everyone,

I have created a CAP 10 Film and Media Google Classroom that everyone needs to join. The information was included in the message Mrs. Fillman sent out last week. 

Here's the link to the Google Classroom:

Code is: gh4ao3d

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Mayo

Jan 16, 2020


Please follow the directions listed on the Google Doc below when submitting your film to C-SPAN:

Oct 13, 2019

Capture the Fall (Indie Video Challenge)

Capture the Fall videos are DUE Monday and Tuesday, the 9th and 10th. You need to embed the video into your blog and answer the following prompt:

  • Please describe the process you went through to create your video. How did you shoot and edit your footage? Also, describe the overall mood or tone you were trying to create. Did you enjoy creating this video? Briefly explain. 


Create a 60 - 90 second film capturing what the fall (or autumn) looks like to you.  

Include the following elements in your Capture the Fall film:
  1. 10 or more different video clips
  2. Use a standard transition between every video clip (like a dissolve or cross dissolve)
  3. Embed a piece of CC licensed music to help create a distinctive mood for your film
  4. Include a Title Slide at the beginning with an original title
  5. Add a Credit Slide at the end citing the source of your music
Optional: Experiment with video effects or video apps. Try giving your film an interesting look by adding a video effect in post-production. 

The example I shared above was shot with an iPhone using the 8mm iPhone app.  

Have fun. Be creative. DUE DATE:  

Post the video to your blog with a description of the process you went through creating it. 

Here are some examples from past students:

Link to original video challenge on Vimeo, Capture the Fall.

Sep 26, 2019

Sep 24, 2019

Dystopian Premise Ideas / Possible Groups

Choose ONE IDEA from an article you read last week and add it to the grid under your class period. Also, add a SHORT description of the WORST CASE SCENARIO for your particular topic that can be developed into your dystopian premise.

If another student has the same or similar idea to your add your responses to the SAME BOX. MAX 5 responses per box! Groups will be based on these responses - but I will ultimately decide the groups! You do not get to choose your own groups. But I will base my decisions on your ideas.


PROJECT PROPOSAL: Make a copy of this proposal and complete it in class today. THIS IS DUE BY THE END OF CLASS TODAY. You need my approval before printing and handing in. Everyone should be participating in this planning session.