
Apr 18, 2018

Capture the Spring Video Challenge

Our next video challenge is titled, Capture the Spring. Create a 90-second film capturing what the Spring looks like to you.

Include the following elements in your Capture the Fall film:
  1. 10 or more different video clips
  2. Use a standard transition between every video clip (like a dissolve or cross dissolve)
  3. Embed a piece of CC licensed music to help create a distinctive mood for your film
  4. Include a Title Slide at the beginning with an original title
  5. Add a Credit Slide at the end citing the source of your music
Optional: Experiment with video effects or filters. Try giving your film an interesting look by adding a video effect in post-production. 

Have fun. Be creative. DUE DATE: May 11th

Here's are two examples from a similar project we've done in the past called, Capture the Fall:

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