
May 1, 2015

Night Trap - Short Film Marathon

  1. Describe the first scene you recognize in the film where things start to seem a bit strange or out of the ordinary. What film elements specifically (angles, music, acting, editing, lighting, etc.) tip the viewer off that things are a bit off or strange?
  2. The filmmaker waits until over 90 seconds into the film to post the title slide, NIGHT TRAP. Considering the structure of the plot do you think this is an effective way to show the title of this short film? Why or why not? Also, please explain how you and your group mates plan to show the title of your CAP Hollywood film? Will you show it at the very beginning, or wait a bit like this film?
  3. Right after the title slide appears the filmmaker adds some droney type of sound that remains for the rest of the film. How does the drone sound effect change the mood of this film and do you think it's effective?
  4. This film is beautifully shot. Please describe two of your favorite shots from the film.
  5. Please identify and explain something that stood out to you in this film- either positive or negative. 

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