
Sep 11, 2012

What do you want to learn more about?

We've been talking in class this week about the possibility of using our blogs to explore topics related to our program that students are genuinely interested in. For example, if you 're interested in scriptwriting and want to learn more about it you could find people online who are experts on this topic, like Emma Coats, and subscribe to their blogs though an RSS Reader. Once you find a few experts, you would read what they are sharing online, then write and reflect on what you are learning from them on your blog. It's a type of connected learning centered around something you are very interested in learning more about.

Before we start this process however, I think it would be helpful to read an article or two about this idea of connected learning. So for our next blog post assignment you need to read one of the two articles I posted below and write a reaction to the article on your blog. As you read the article, use Diigo to annotate passages that you find interesting and relevant. Please add a link to your Diigo annotated page at the bottom of your post. You only have to read one of these two articles.

Preparing Students to Learn Without Us

World Without Walls: Learning Well with Others

Here are a few ideas for what you could write about in your reflection/reaction post:
  1. Write a brief summary of the article and its main ideas
  2. Give a direct quote from the article and explain why you think it's important or interesting
  3. Discuss something from the article that you found surprising
  4. Give your overall opinion about this idea of connected learning as it pertains to us and our class
  5. Share a possible topic you are interested in and would like to learn more about
This post is due Friday for all classes, periods 1, 2 and 4.

NOTE: Please do not write your posts in Microsoft Word then copy/paste the text into your blog. That screws up the text formatting. Write your post in the post box in Blogger. Also, please TURN YOUR NAV BAR off. Thanks...

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