
Sep 6, 2012

Diigo Movie Review Annotation Assignment

FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS to annotate a movie review using the Diigo Hi-Lighter and Sticky Note tools. Try to add your annotations from the printed page view if possible so it looks cleaner. Diigo creates a public link for your annotated page that you can find under the Share Tab on the Diigolet Toolbar.

After you have annotated a movie review write a blog post addressing the following points:
  1. State the author and title of the movie review and the website or organization that published it. Discuss the basic structure of the movie review you read.

    Here are some possible questions to consider for your post: How does the review start out? Does the writer first state their opinion of the film? Or, do they start with a synopsis of the plot? How does the writer weave in the three aspects of film into the review? Does the review focus on one particular aspect over the others? For example, a review may focus on the cinematic aspects and barely touch on the other aspects. What tone is the review written in? (casual, serious, funny?) Does the reviewer rate the film or recommend it? Do they give away the ending?
  2. Share your thoughts about how we should structure our quarterly movie review assignment? How much freedom would you like when you write your reviews each quarter? Should we all follow a basic structure? (You can bullet your ideas if you want)
On the bottom of your post add a hyperlink to your Diigo annotated page. (remember- Diigo creates this link for you and you can find it under the Share Tab on the Diigolet Toolbar. HERE IS A LINK to my example movie review I annotated.

We will share our annotations next class and work in groups to create our own movie review assignment and rubric. This is a tricky assignment because you are learning how to use Diigo. Please do not wait until the last minute to start this. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help.

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